Corporate transactions

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Focused on getting the deal done

We act for a wide range of clients, from international businesses and PLCs to early-stage businesses, entrepreneurs and investors. Areas of expertise include:

In particular, we have deep expertise and sector knowledge in the following areas:

Relationships are important

We make it our business to foster strong relationships and build trust between our clients and others involved in every transaction we work on. This helps to get through the pain points that happen in all transactions and means we are all focused on getting our clients better results.

We also look beyond the deal to what we hope will be a close and long-lasting relationship with each client.

Getting the deal across the line

You can rely on us to be tough when needed, but we won’t score points. We want to get the job done for you in the most efficient way possible. This is about you and your business – not us.

But sometimes, the best advice is not to do the deal – we’re not shy of telling you that if we need to.

You can find out more by emailing us or calling +44 (0) 117 928 1910

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