All the latest news and deals

from the Roxburgh Milkins team

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  1. Focus Group acquires Prism

    Focus Group have confirmed their acquisition of Prism.… Continue reading

  2. Focus Group investment in Contact Systems

    Focus Group’s investment in Altrincham-based CCaaS specialists Contact Systems bolsters its CX portfolio and reinforces the company’s commitment to driving results for its customers using connected cloud technologies.… Continue reading

  3. Focus Group acquires TMAC

    This latest investment from Focus Group in Ipswich-based TMAC will allow the group to capitalise on partnership synergies with network providers and offer TMAC customers a wider portfolio of services.… Continue reading

  4. Contracts are King - selling your telecoms business

    Once you’ve arrived at the decision to sell your telecoms business, you want the
    process to be as efficient and profitable as possible.… Download now

  5. Focus invests in Silver Lining

    Focus Group have announced its investment into Silver Lining - a Voice and IT reseller - in a move aimed at expanding its service portfolio, technical capabilities and market presence.… Continue reading

  6. Focus acquires Pinnacle

    Focus Group has today announced its strategic acquisition of Pinnacle, a well-established cloud communications and mobile specialist headquartered in Bristol.… Continue reading

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